Flint Hills Regional Quilt Guild meets at the Presby West Campus, 1702 W 15th St, Emporia, KS. on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. 

Visiting a meeting is a great way to begin your exploration into Guild membership  -- come and meet us and see what we are all about!

Visitors to our meetings are welcome; however, after 3 visits, we do ask that interested persons begin to pay dues and become an official member. 

Guild Dues are $15 Per Year and entitle the member to:

  • Our Monthly Newsletter (by email or snail mail), which contains monthly quilt square patterns, recipes, and news from the Guild.

  • Access To the Private Members-Only Section of this web-site (this includes access to the member directory, archived newsletters, patterns, and recipes for the past two years, plus! -- and more members-only content will be added in the future.)

  • And, of course, Participation in All Guild Activities

Questions may be addressed to our Guild President -Jan Noyes .  Click the blue link to be taken to a contact form.